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Shiroabhyanga (Indian Head Massage)

Indian head massage, known as Shiroabhyanga, originated in India as an Ayurverdic method of healing. It is a deeply calming, grounding and rejuvenating treatment which offers physical as well as psychological benefits. A specific combination of massage techniques and pressure points aid in achieving a sense of inner serenity and release of tension.

Additionally, I include a back manual and Kansa massage, a manual and Kansa facial massage, as well as a kansa comb scalp massage during the session.

A combination of organic oils are selected according to constitution (dosha) and an optional hair treatment is also available to bring shine, health and strength to your locks during the session.

This treatment can also be combined to our signature Ayurvedic Facial for an even more blissful experience!


60 min………………………………..
(includes Kansa facial massage)
(95$ +tx)


With organic hair treatment (+10$)
60 min ..................................
(includes Kansa facial massage)
(105$ +tx)

Shiroabhanga + Seed & Rind Signature Facial

90 min………………………….(180$ +tx)

With organic hair treatment (+10$ +tx)